
Business integration & planning articles

Integratos occasionally publishes articles and videos highlighting some of our methods and experience.  A few of these are listed below.  You may also enjoy visiting our YouTube channel.

Evolution of Business Integration & S&OP

Given all the benefits of Business Integration and Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP), it is not surprising that many companies commence the journey.

However, one of the mistakes we often see is companies diving into a Business Integration and S&OP implementation, and trying to implement all the bells-and-whistles of an advanced S&OP model, without the supporting infrastructure and culture.

Here’s an excerpt from our book — The Art of Sales & Operations Planning.

The best of companies

We have been very fortunate to have worked with some inspiring people and companies.  This has given us valuable insights into how great companies operate.

It’s no surprise that they all share a passion for their people, customers and products, and they are highly competitive.  They understand that Business Integration and S&OP processes are key to being able to translate their strategies and bring their vision to life.

Here’s a brief video on the common features of some of the best companies with whom we’ve had the privilege of working.

Multiple sets of numbers

It is often challenging to describe what Business Integration and S&OP should look like in a business.  An easier way to describe it is to look at what a business looks like when it’s dis-integrated.

Here’s a brief video on our YouTube channel.

The integration crossroads

We occasionally publish short videos that help clarify various elements of Business Integration and S&OP.

Here’s a sample of the importance of Business Integration and S&OP as a platform to navigate towards your business strategy.  See it on our YouTube channel.

Is MRPII old school?

Some people we come across consider Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRPII) to be out of date or old school.  We don’t agree.

Here’s an excerpt from our book, The Art of Sales & Operations Planning — What is MRPII?.

S&OP helps the tiger roar

We’ve had the privilege of working with some fabulous companies.

This article, published in Supply Chain Review, details some of the key elements of a successful pan Asian implementation — S&OP Helps Tiger Roar.